Monday, December 19, 2011

What Nutrition for HypnoBirthing

Some moms have questions about nutrition. Whereas, I cannot provide you with advice here is what others are saying:

The diet before conception is just as important and maybe even more important than diet during pregnancy. 

A mom reported beginning to eat farm fresh vegetables, raw grass fed butter and milk, grass fed beef, pastured chicken eggs, wild caught fish and raw homemade fermented foods and beverages (raw yogurt, sour dough breads, vegetables, kombucha, etc....).  

Some others say they've completely removed all processed foods and pretty much anything that comes pre-packaged.  No white flour, sugar (or brown sugar), margarine, homogenized milk, butter or yogurt and no soy products.  

Alike real food they way our great grandparents used to eat. 

I'm sure anyone who is considering HypnoBirthing and home birth including unassisted childbirth has heard the following words "Are you crazy?"

Then how crazy were our ancestors for giving birth naturally!

Please share any other information you feel may be important to improve the health of mom and baby both physically and mentally from your experience or something you believe. After approval all comments will be posted below.

Baby-Mother Heart Synchronized Immediately by Just Smiling.... So Smile!

Researchers in Bar-Ilan University in Israel found proof t hat babies and mothers have deep intimate connection and by visual contact, smile and touch infants under 3 months can synchronize their heart-beat to their mother's.

Deep psychological effects of the discovery may not yet be researched, yet it is obvious that mother-baby connection is an instant bond.

Too bad they didn't yet research connections that infant make with other people, including fathers. Yet, the primary care-taker, those who spend time with the baby will form such connection that creates for the infant a sense of security and peace.

Read the full story here.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Practicing HypnoBirthing Ideal Birth

Here is a recent letter form one of the moms from a previous HypnoBirthing class I taught. As you read through the beauty of her words, allow yourself to follow the descriptions. Ah, and remember to practice the enjoyment of your own desired birthing experience! 

"Hi Morrin,
I thought of you today and wanted to share. 

I've noticed that I take any chance I can to practice the breathing, relaxation and ideal birthing experience each day. 

Today I practiced yoga and put on my drumming music. I did a combination of dance and yoga and while I was in my practice I meditated on my ideal birth experience. It felt as though I embodied my birth experience through yoga and movement. I literally danced my labor and birth and really loved each moment. 

I also had another dream about my birth. In my dream my baby came early by a few weeks but what was most profound was how calm and relaxed I was throughout the process. In my dream I was at my parents house visiting and began light surges. I calmly left and went back to the city with (husband) to the hospital. I felt calm and relaxed throughout the dream, experiencing surges with a deep trust that all was well...and it was. I woke up before my baby was born but I think the most significant part was the calmness that was revealed. I know I can do this and my subconscious knows this too. 

Today's practice felt really wonderful. I sometimes am hard on myself for not practicing daily the meditations you've given us but today it felt right to do it my way in my body, with the drumming music, just as I visualized from the beginning. Just wanted to share some of my experiences with you and hope it counts as practice :)
With Love, and deep appreciation,

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New Baby - Happy Birth Story

Here is an inspiring birth story of a recent new dad. 

"We didn’t have to wait too long. Thursday June 16th we had our check-up with our midwife and at that time she stated she thought you would more than likely come a week past your due date, which would’ve been another two weeks! 

That night we watched TV and I rubbed Momma’s belly and caressed your little back. You responded by rolling around a bit, but ultimately you seemed very soothed and comforted. That night we went to bed and I assumed that it would be uneventful.

I assumed incorrectly.

Around 2am Friday morning, Momma woke me up and informed she had started having surges. I still didn’t think much of it and dozed off again. Around 4am, she woke me up again letting me know they were consistent. We decided to get things ready. We called (midwife), (doula), (Parents), (photographer). 

At this point the excitement and anticipation started to build…I was going to meet my baby girl soon!

The rest of the morning was a blur, with brief moments when the world seemed to stop just long enough to catch our breath before we were swept away in the rush of surges again. I remember this birth as a continuum; everything flowed together, effortlessly. Maybe it was because I had complete faith in my connection with you and your mother, and the both of you communicating with me, and of course, because I had complete faith in your Mother and her ability to bring you here peacefully and safely.

The time it took to bring you into the world was an amazing, mostly because of being the most loving and intimate time with your Momma I will never forget. It was just the two of us, in our own little world, working together putting our minds together and our hearts intentions in the direction to accomplish the one goal of birthing our baby girl. We rarely spoke, except for some small talk in the beginning, but we were so connected that I knew what she needed without asking. It was a blessing to be in the birthing tub; its warm water was soothing and it felt very natural, like this is how babies are supposed to be born.

Once in  while I suggested to her a relaxation. or a visualization and together we breathed deeply for the most part of the evening. I kept saying positive phrases, and they came out of me as a continuation of my thoughts and intention.

She drank some water, and did not want to eat. Time was contracted for us. I played some music, and we danced the most loving dance. I felt her breath and told her how much I loved her. I felt everything in a slow motion. Time was stretched yet when I looked at the clock two hours had passed. 

The real turning point is very vivid to me. Momma told me she had felt a pop (her waters had released) and that she needed to go to the bathroom. I knew you were very close once we got to the bathroom, I knew what to expect. Momma started to show a bit of discomfort in her face, nothing she couldn’t handle, but I thought maybe I could help by kissing her. I reached and caressed her face and begin to kiss her with the passion that only an incredibly proud husband can have for his amazing, birthing wife. I was very aware of my own calm and relaxed way. I wanted her to feel how I feel, relaxed and calm. And soon she did. Her face was in peace and I felt her body transitioned from rather tense to very relaxed and calm. It was an amazing thought that I had helped her in some small but powerful way. She was then ready to get back into the tub.

On the way back to the tub, (doula) commented that Momma’s belly looked different; we knew without a doubt you were very close. I helped Momma back into the birthing tub and caressed her back while she continued to breathe you down.
She massages your momma's back, as I kissed her face, and talked to her softly about her readiness to let you out.

The midwife was quite surprised when your Momma reached down, and having touched your head exclaimed that you were crowing. I was exhilarated and got into the birthing tub with her. I reached down and carefully felt your little head. (Doula) shone a flashlight into the tub and now I saw your precious little face for the first time. Your little hands were up by your face. Momma smiled as if something inside tickled her. She looked so calm, like a madonna. Then as if by some internal orchestration she looked at me as if beyond me, took a deep breath in blew out very slowly. In a fraction of a second  you came out into the water and into my hands. I then guided you onto Momma's belly. I am such a lucky man to be the first person to hold my baby girl, to welcome you into the world, and then to pass you into the loving arms of their Mother.

As I held the both of you, my girls, I thought: What a perfect moment.

I could never imagine how enamored I could be with my wife - you Momma. What an amazing woman she is! It still takes my breath away to think back and reflect at what an incredible thing she did. There are no words to describe my deepest respect and admiration I have for her. She is truly a gift and inspiration. She is the perfect role model for my daughter; and for me, a model of strength, courage, confidence and beauty. It is because of her I am a better man. She made birth look effortless and graceful. May the Lord bless you with these gifts of character from your Mother.

I really wish that everyone who assumes that the birth of a baby is an event necessary of medical care could have witnessed your birth. Your birth was like a perfect sunrise, captivating to behold in silence and impossible to deny how miraculous it really is. That’s the best way I can describe your birth; it was a brilliant sunrise, an everyday gift from God, and I wish that you may have the same experience with your husband many, many, many years from now ;-)

I love you!

SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG, get your updates, advice and birthing news. 

Doula's Comment on When to Cut the Cord

A mother asks, when to cut the umbilical cord to be sure that all of the blood gets to the baby. 

I noticed that home birth cords always seemed to pulsate longer than hospital birth cords.... I asked a midwife and she explained that a cord may visually appear to have stopped pulsing but that if you feel it between your fingers you will find that it is still pulsing, you can ask to check that way before cutting. 

After the cord stops pulsating, it is okay to cut the cord. The blood is done moving from the mom to the baby. I doubt there is any research to support that home birth cords pulsate longer. There is just less urgency and rush to cut the cord in a home birth. Each mom is individual, and a cord will pulsate individually, and on average it is about 10-15 minutes after the baby is born.

Subscribe to this blog to receive updates, insights and advice. Comment to receive personal response. 

Monday, November 28, 2011


Every night millions of mothers and babies the world over sleep close to each other, and the babies wake up just fine.  Instead of alarming conscientious parents, sleep advisors are teaching parents how to co-sleep safely.
From a show-me-the-science doctor, a cosleeper in his family with kids on his own Dr. Bill and Martha Sears  advise new parents to consider the following:
  • Cultures who traditionally practice safe co-sleeping, such as Asians, enjoy the lowest incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  • Trusted research by Dr. James McKenna, Director of the Mother-Baby Sleep Laboratory of the University of Notre Dame, showed that mothers and babies who sleep close to each other enjoy similar protective sleep patterns.  Mothers enjoy a heightened awareness of their baby’s presence, what I call a “nighttime sleep harmony,” that protects baby.  The co-sleeping mother is more aware if her baby’s well-being is in danger. 
  • Babies who sleep close to their mothers enjoy “protective arousal,” a state of sleep that enables them to more easily awaken if their health is in danger, such as breathing difficulties.
  • Co-sleeping makes breastfeeding easier, which provides many health benefits for mother and baby.
  • More infant deaths occur in unsafe cribs than in parents' bed.
  • Co-sleeping tragedies that have occurred have nearly always been associated with dangerous practices, such as unsafe beds, or parents under the influence of substances that dampen their awareness of baby.
  • Research shows that co-sleeping infants cry less during the night, compared to solo sleepers who startle repeatedly throughout the night and spend 4 times the number of minutes crying. Startling and crying releases adrenaline, which can interfere with restful sleep and leads to long term sleep anxiety.
  • Infants who sleep near to parents have more stable temperatures, regular heart rhythms, and fewer long pauses in breathing compared to babies who sleep alone.  This means baby sleeps physiologically safer.
  • A recent large study concluded that bed sharing did NOT increase the risk of SIDS, unless the mom was a smoker or abused alcohol.
To read the full article refer to this link.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Delayed Cord Clamping

I came by an article on the importance of delayed cord clamping that you can present to your doctor  at the next appointment. 

Delayed Cord Clamping Raises Iron Stores at 4 Months
written by Ricki Lewis, PhD

Published November 15, 2011

"Allowing placental blood to flow into the neonate for 3 minutes, rather than cutting the umbilical cord within the first 10 seconds, as is common, increases blood volume sufficiently to elevate ferritin at 4 months, finds a study published in the British Medical Journal. 

Adequate iron stores are essential for brain neuron myelination, dendritic growth, neurotransmission, and energy metabolism in neurons and glia. Because iron demands are high in the young, iron-deficiency anemia and subclinical iron deficiency are associated with long-lasting cognitive and behavioral problems.

Past studies that support a delay in cord cutting were conducted in developing or middle-income populations that have a high prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (ie, in Guatemala, India, Mexico, and Zambia), but did not follow up children past the neonatal period. Iron deficiency is less prevalent, yet still fairly common, in other nations.

Ola Andersson, MD, a neonatologist at the Hospital of Hallandin Sweden, and colleagues enrolled 400 full-term infants born after low-risk pregnancies between April 2008 and September 2009, and randomized the time of cord cutting to either 10 seconds or 3 minutes. 

The researchers assessed infant blood sampled on the second day for CBC (hemoglobin, packed cell volume, mean cell volume, mean cell hemoglobin concentration, reticulocyte count, and reticulocyte hemoglobin), iron status (serum iron, transferrin, serum ferritin, transferrin saturation, and soluble transferrin receptors), C reactive protein, and bilirubin and repeated all but the bilirubin test on 4-month samples.

Because past rationale for cutting the cord immediately after birth was increased risk for adverse events resulting from excess blood, the researchers also assessed the late-cord-cut infants for respiratory symptoms, polycythemia, and need for phototherapy to treat neonatal jaundice. Blood was drained from the placenta and volume measured, which explained the higher average weight of the babies with later-cut cords.

Every 20 babies having delayed clamping could prevent 1 case of iron deficiency, the researchers estimate. They conclude that delayed clamping "should be considered as standard care for full term deliveries after uncomplicated pregnancies."
Patrick van Rheenen, MD, a consultant pediatrician at the University of Groningenin the Netherlands, agrees in an
accompanying editorial that "enough evidence exists to encourage a routine change in practice."

The study was supported by grants from the Regional Scientific Council of Halland; the HASNA Foundation, Halmstad; HRH Crown Princess Lovisa™s Foundation for Child Care, Stockholm; and the Framework of Positive Scientific Culture, Hospitalof Halland, Halmstad The authors and the editorialist, Dr. van
Rheenen, have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
BMJ. Published online November 16, 2011. Full text Medscape Medical News © 2011 WebMD, LLC

Monday, November 21, 2011

Baby Brain Week 35 and Week 39

More reason to exercise great patience in the final days. Look at the difference in your baby's brain from 35 weeks to 39-40 weeks. Love the home stretch and know that you are doing great, keeping yourself relaxed and allowing the baby to exercise the preparation for the finish. 

Today, take a moment to sit back and take a deep breath and think that all this oxygen you are inhaling is now going to your baby's brain, and that some very important functions of that brain are now developing. 

Stay calm and relaxed. Smile whenever you can. 

Think about your love to your baby, and the bigger picture of how joyful and lucky you are in bringing your baby the precious life soon to begin. 

Placenta Consumption

Oh, and sis I forget to mention that in my conversation with the happy mom 8 month after the birth of her HypnoBirthing baby she casually mentions that of course she is still breatfeeding and that just a few weeks ago she finished taking her daily.... placenta pills.

The placenta pills prepared by your doula or a midwife out of what used to be considered a medical waste, a link between you and the baby, is now a common thing amongst the moms who want fast healthy body recovery, no post partum depression and a lot of  breast milk.

Some mom's placenta intake even made the recent news. Watch this video now, your well-being depends on your understanding and thoughful response.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

"My Baby Birth Was The Best Day Of My Life!"

"My baby (name) birth was the best day of my life! My wedding was the most beautiful day of my life, and my baby's birth was the best day of my life!"

My conversation with the mom, who took my HypnoBirthing class in March of 2011 and a month later gave birth to a beautiful vigorous baby-boy, my conversation with her lasted about 40 minutes, and I was not talking much at all.

The excitement of her speech was obvious. The day she remembers is still very vivid in her memory, and in her description. She is noticeably very happy, 8 months later.

Outlining her perspective on the birth day itself, the mom pointed out specifically that:

1 - PREPARATION is very important. It is not what you do on the day of the labor, it is what frame of mind you HAVE BEEN so far, and how your beliefs are shaped. Your practice of relaxation, breathing, being available in your mind to the flexibility of the events of the day. What you do on the day of birth is almost automatic. It is important that you know what to do without thinking, this is where previous weeks/ and in her case - months of preparation is important.

2. - Having your support system in place: prepared husband, and midwife/doula. People who can keep you focused and also know what to do.

3. - Having a belief that you can do it - give birth, keeping the positive attitude and keeping a bigger picture in mind - at all times.

"Your help, your knowledge and expertise was one of the most important things that happened for me in preparation to my labor. Thank you for all your advice."

Let me know if you have any questions. Comment in the box below. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Do You Communicate With Your Baby?

Do you ever consider talking to your unborn baby? If you do
What would you want to say?

I know, for those of you who are already in the second or third trimester, it is obvious. You probably often refer to the baby, talk to the baby, whispering how much you love to your baby, and the baby moves in response. And all the while you are wondering, what is behind your belief that your baby is a real person.

Apparently, the baby really responds to you.

In my recent hypnotic work, which I conduct with pregnant mothers, who want to communicate their love to the unborn baby, the work shows coherent information. Mothers-to-be show greater appreciation to the presence of their baby after such sessions, and what's more important they gain confidence in their ability to give birth comfortably and calmly. Spiritual sessions alleviate fear of childbirth and give a mother confidence in her spiritual, mental and physical ability to give birth.

In a recent session, a mom was curious to establish a connection with her unborn baby. Quickly, she was able to find her baby waiting for this connection. Mom did not know who the baby is, boy or girl, and in a hypnotic awareness asked to communicate with the baby's soul. A beautiful young girl came out and spoke wisely to her mother-to-be. She looked like an angel in her late teens and had a flowing white transparent robe on. Although the feeling the mother had was of loving and peaceful presence.

She gave mother some health advice, named particular exercises to do, and recommended particular foods to eat, with specific nutritional qualities, and in the end relayed some messages to her brother-to-be, whom she loves and who is now almost 2, and her father and what to do when the mother is in labor to enjoy the time. There was so much concrete information, that the mother just could not have known, coming to my client through her daughter-to-be consciousness,  all of which I recorded for her, that the mother was amazed about her wisdom and her decisions. They were talking about the daughter's decision to choose the mother, and how it made sense for her, because of the mother and daughter purpose, which was also specified.

Transcending fear of birthing, the daughter took the mother through each step in labor and talked her through the process of contractions (what we call surges), and what position to be in so it feels good and so the labor is going to be fast. "Just get plenty of rest over that big Weekend." Aha! The weekend!

Mom mentioned after the session that the information is all so vivid and true, she'd be really interested to see if indeed it is a girl she would give birth to. Moreover, she mentioned that she felt extremely ready for the labor, as she had all the information she needed, and living through a vivid representation of contractions, she was sure the labor was going to go well.

So it did.  Quite a few weeks later, one Monday morning, I got a text from the new father that the labor was great and that mother and daughter are doing well.

What does this tell you?!!

Are you communicating with your unborn baby?
Are you attuned to the important information the baby is sending to you?
Are you ready for your smooth and calm labor?

Let me tell you the secret how to get ready for your labor.
The next set of HypnoBirthing classes in preparation for your calm and comfortable birth, as you desire, pre-holiday intensive starts December 7. Pre-registration is open click here. 
Receive your Mother-Baby Connection advice session click here
Artwork is original Art by Maria Polyakov.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

An Unusual Idea to Commemorate Your Pregnancy

Many moms in my classes tell me about how they make their pregnancy memorable.

Well, here is the one that tops it all.

I found this video, as the most unusual way to make your pregnancy memorable and ...viral!

Follow this link for the most hypnotic loving experience.

New Baby!

Yeppie! A new baby joined the HypnoBirthing community this morning peacefully and smoothly.

Mother and baby are doing great! Congratulations!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Mother-To-Be Dances Herself Into Labor

Yes, it is possible! Where is the will there is a way!

A mother-to-be of twins at week 40 of her pregnancy wants to induce labor to avoid possible interventions.

She dances herself into the start of labor, at home, and 2 days later goes into labor.

She ends up having her twins in a natural unmedicated way, in her own time and babies are healthy and strong.

Read the whole article here.

Dancing herself into Labor

Monday, November 7, 2011

IV or No IV? Stress vs. Relaxation

In a hospital birth, when you arrive, and register, you will be given an IV procedure. 

Consider this: Using hypnosis for birth and self-hypnosis to create an experience you want during labor, you may find that it is possible to request an IV-free birth.

The origin of the IV practice comes from the times before epidurals. As with all interventions, an I.V. is necessary when there is medical indication for its use. For example, if a woman is vomiting throughout her labor, she may need the fluids and calories the I.V. provides.

But why would a woman be vomiting?                  

If a mother is fearful, her body would produce adrenaline.         
Production of adrenaline is a ‘fight or flight’ body natural response. When adrenaline is produced, all other normal processes in the body slow down or stop including digestion, and ...... labor, as blood is directed away from "secondary" survival centers, to the parts of the body active in stress response... arms and legs. The processes inside the torso pretty much come to a halt. 

Like an animal in danger, why would a threatened woman continue to give birth if the situation is uncertain?

If general anesthesia is administered, or painkiller epidural, one of the ways a mother respond to it is vomit.  In order for the vomit to not get into lungs and cause even more problems, it became a standard procedure to prohibit food and water intake in a hospital birth.  Therefore the I.V. became a way to hydrate and nourish a mother in labor.

Using hypnosis in labor assists general relaxation, conducive visualizations, and deep abdominal breathing. When in relaxation the mother enters into a completely different state of being called 'rest and digest', which is a complete opposite of the fight and flight response of stress. 

The relaxed mother's responses are natural. In relaxation she feels at ease and joyful, and there in no space for fear. Each surge is met with a relaxed dee abdominal breath helping her translate her sensations into joy and peaceful anticipation. Her husband is near, and his support makes her calmer. 

Instead of fearful and screaming energy, she creates energy that is directed and intentional, helping her baby make their way to the exit, with joy and relaxed readiness to do what it takes to have the birth that she wants.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Birth Experience You Want Is Up To You!

I hope you are subscribed to the enjoyable and beneficial beautiful free pregnancy affirmations from Morrin Bass. If not, hurry to subscribe on the side bar, right here. The affirmation are composed in a way that you experience the most benefit when you read them out loud to yourself daily.

I feel that if you have been making the most of these thoughts, you and I have already established a connection, and an understanding that my intention is for you to have a wonderful birth experience.

The next step, now, is preparation for the actual birth experience. So many pregnant Mom's-to-be have many questions. Particularly if it is your first. And the Dad's and partners want so much to be a part of, and know what to do at this amazing time. HypnoBirthing education gives everyone the tools to make that happen.

Childbirth is a natural progression in a woman's life, and it is not a medical event. Many more families today are approaching the birth experience with mindfulness. If you are a conscious parent who wants a calm and comfortable birth, and you want to know more about how to create that, HypnoBirthing is for you.

Why You Should Care

Do you want to be present and conscious to fully experience when your healthy baby emerges naturally, and comfortably, or something else, where your power, and control to experience what is the most magnificent event in a woman's life, is taken away?

HypnoBirthing is for you if you and your husband/partner want a strategy, and the knowledge to join together to make this day a celebration of love and life.

Classes are being formed now, just in time for you to prepare fully for the birth of your baby.  It's easy
Decide to give yourself and your baby the loving experience you want the birth to be.
For information on Private HypnoBirthing Preparation call Mark 347-783-9136 or click here.

View the next class details here
Curriculum, Dates, Fees, Locations and WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL EARLY

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Membrane Release - Water Break - What to do?

What to do when the water breaks, or speaking the HypnoBirthing language, membranes release?

Most moms, who decided to birth at a hospital, rush to call their doctor, who immediately advises them to come for a check-up.

In fact, here is what midwives recommend:
1. Drink plenty of fluids. Just because the water released, does not mean the baby is in danger. If you drink water, the amniotic fluid replenishes itself. You can take your time.
2. Make sure you are clean and safe "down there". Recommend no insertions of any kind. So therefore, exams are out!
3. Take your vitamins regularly, and plenty of vitamin c.
4. Eat easy to digest foods.
5. Monitor your baby heart rate - have your husband listen to the baby's heart through a toilet paper roll to your belly. The baby heart rate is normal when it is 140-160 b/m.
6. Take showers instead of baths.
7. Monitor that the liquid coming out of you is clear. If there is color liquid coming out of you, let your midwife know.

It is normal to have between several hours to several days between the membrane release and the start of labor.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Can HypnoBirthing Create Comfort in Labor?

Here is a reference article explaining the mystery behind quiet calm birthing - she used HypnoBirthing.

"...And when her son Leo was born 14 months ago, following a relatively pain and stress-free labour, Emma is convinced hypnobirthing is most certainly ‘the other way’.
‘When I first started doing those classes, I was almost embarrassed about it, convinced people would laugh,’ says Emma, from Brockley, South London.
    ‘Now I want to tell everyone to use hypnobirthing. If it can work for me, and believe me I was the biggest cynic going, then it can work for anyone.’

    This is exactly what the NHS is seeking to investigate in an 18-month study on the effectiveness of hypnobirthing being launched this week, which, it is hoped, will reduce the financial strain on tightening NHS budgets caused by costly drug treatments such as epidurals — and also make births easier and safer for women and babies."

    Super mum: Model Gisele claimed giving birth in her bathtub at home in Boston with no pain relief didn't hurt after having prepared with yoga and meditation.

    Read more here:

    Mail Online 

    Next Baby

    Here is an account of a natural home birth. A very inspiring story. 

    " Six weeks ago I gave birth to my second child.
    It was definitely a HypnoBirthing baby birth calm, exciting, and drug free experience.

    I thought I was still in early labor as my surges were around 10 minutes apart but very strong and rhythmical. I ignored a few obvious signs of nearing completion as I thought that I was yet to really get into established labour. 
    After my membrane released with barely a trickle during one surge, my husband assisted me to the toilet where I intended to remain for a long time. 

    I felt the next surge build and knew it was going to be a big one and I told myself to "let go." It literally took my breath away as I felt a huge rush of energy which made me stand up and my mucus uterine plug flew into the toilet like a champagne cork (a pop followed by a plop!)

    Instinctively I stuck my hand between my legs and gasped, "He's coming!" My baby's entire head emerged and thankfully, he stopped.

    No pushing, no anything, just that amazing reflex ejecting him automatically. I was amazed and elated.

    With my husband's help I slowly wobbled back into the bed, got on hands and knees just in time for the next surge which again required no effort and his body slid out easily into my husband's waiting arms.

    The speedy, rocket- like arrival of my beautiful 9lb 11oz baby did not create even a scrape.

    An amazing, lovely, surprise conclusion.