Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Web MD Talks Hypnosis in a Delivery Room - HypnoBirthing For Hospital

Other childbirth processes approach pain as a given and try to find ways to deal with pain, from medication to massage, but HypnoBirthing teaches women to transform the sensation of pain so that it feels like something else, and preferably a pleasurable one. "The healthiest way to deliver a baby is to be very relaxed and allow the body to do it. Once labor begins, it has its own momentum and mom really doesn't need to do much of anything." says a Hypnobirthing RN Pat Burrell in an interview to Web MD,  where finally HypnoBirhting begins to take root in several publications on its pages. 

Read the full article here. 

Are You Ready for Baby?

Some choices (Paper or plastic? Coffee or espresso? "The X Factor" or "The Voice"?) are easy. But some, like when to have a baby, can be more of a challenge. Web MD talks about our readiness to welcome the baby into a relationship and how to make your choices when you are already pregnant. 

Read the full article here

Enroll in HypnoBirthing class with Morrin Bass now. Next class starts April 22.  

Neo Soviet Russia Creates Peaceful Births

Visiting Russia, I could not help but notice the obvious absence of pregnant women in Moscow. Many pregnant women in Russia try to keep low profile and according to their old wives tale, a pregnant women should not be seen in public.

Yet the world has changed. A pregnant woman in a post Soviet Russia is a different woman. And she is not seen in public because she is driving a car. She usually is a healthy and aware upbeat and well kept lady. Some of my Russian clients no longer are bound to their country. They travel, live and work abroad, and are extremely well educated about nutrition (some of them are vegan) and the use of a midwife. Speaking with a recent acquaintance, I learned that giving birth in water, or at home is not a rarity.

"The hospital has such bad rep, and there is so much possibility for infection, that I tried my best to find another alternative," says Svetlana, a director of of Moscow's premier TV chanels, and, now pregnant, a Moscovite.

The Recent documentary about Russian Waterbirth, a concept of birthing in the Black Sea, at Crimea, is not an option yet for her. She is looking to birth at home with her husband Vladimir, both 24, and his sister, Marina, conveniently, their midwife. HypnoBirthing seemed like a good deal, and the couple is looking forward to creating the birth of their dreams.

So, I hope you too, as well, are looking forward to your birthing experience.
Join me for the next HypnBIrthing class scheduled in New York's premier location at Manhattan's Wall Street. Click here to enroll now as seating is limited.

And I hope you have a great birthing day!

In the meantime, enjoy the birthing video excerpt from The Russian Waterbirth

Friday, November 1, 2013

Funny Halloween GLOW Baby Costume

Funny Halloween Baby Costume:

Ellen Degeneres Kids Halloween Costumes

Ha-ha-ha! Smile for Ellen Degeneres' program introducing last minute funniest Halloween costumes for kids!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Birth - Is your Baby due on a Scary Holiday?

I have to give it to some parents, who dress their babies up to express their sense of humor to the scariest holiday of the year!

But what are you supposed to do when your baby is due on Halloween?

The study in the Yale School of Public Health, held recently( see full article), apparently shows that women are able to influence their due date by simply avoiding going into labor on and around the non-desirable or inauspicious date.

Apparently there is a belief about being influenced by skeletons and witches, even if in the every day life women refuse to recognize the scary personages existence.

Dr. Levy emphasizes that a connection between the state of mind of pregnant women and hormone levels could explain the link between their start of labor and the date of baby arrival.

Professionals analyzed the birth certificates of babies born on or around Halloween and on or around Valentine's days. It turns out that consistently the amount of babies born on Halloween is 11% lower and those born on Valentine's is 5% higher than births other dates.

There are stories about how babies "want to wait"until their fathers come back from military mission, around their due date, as well as babies avoiding to be born in a hospital by birthing in cars on the way, or creating precipitous birth ( less than 3 hour birth experience).

Learn more about mental baby birth preparation and creating baby birth joyous experience by taking a HypnoBirthing class with Morrin Bass. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Royal christening yesterday, gives me one more reason to mention in my blog the mother Princess Kate in her dutiful beauty and glow of her truly sincere happy motherhood.

Princess Kate looked lovely in her happy motherly glow gazing into the baby George's eyes along with Prince William yesterday at the Kensignton Palace ceremony.

Baby George looking more like his mother with the button nose, than like his father, prince William, is 3 months old.

Princess Kate is said to be a calm and a very soothed happy mother, which obviously will be reflected on the behavior of the little baby-boy George.

I followed the royal couple in their HypnoBirthing preparation and birthing and now calm parenthood of the new heir, out of professional interest and personal fascination with beautiful people. I think Kate is beautiful as a woman and in her calm gravitas and deep personal presence. A calm mother makes, or rather helps making, a calm leveled ruler, if George were to become a king. I am for a level-headed ruler, aren't you?