Monday, July 2, 2012

Pregnancy Hypnosis

Those who are interested in hypnosis and its influential power on the way we think, feel and behave, know that hypnosis feels great, and is helpful in preparation for calm childbirth. Usually a pregnant woman loves a meditation, relaxation, and breathing techniques, particularly if they are sprinkled with positive suggestions and encouraging visualizations.

According to the Association for Psychological Science article in Health News Digest, regular practice of hypnosis alters a pregnant woman's brain and creates positive change preparing her for a more successful birth.

At no other time in her life a woman experiences such a massive hormonal change, as in her pregnancy, psychologists suggest. Her brain produces enormous amounts of hormones that are related to creating an environment for her baby that is preparing the baby for the successful birth into a person.  

If a mommy is happy her baby floats in a hormones of happiness, oxytocin and endorphins, if the mommy is troubled, her baby floats in adrenalin infused amniotic fluid. In addition, the endless cycle of influencing each other's chemical composition of the bloodstream, mood and movement, mom transmits to the baby, and baby to the mom, whatever is influencing their response to what is happening in their environment right now.

Science supports frequent hypnotic relaxation and breathing, hypnotic visualizations and positive suggestions in order to encourage a pregnant woman's brain to produce more oxytocin, in turn allowing her to enhance the experience of herself during pregnancy giving her additional confidence to birth her baby in a peaceful way. The rested and calm mom has better responsiveness and ability to bond with the baby, and is more equipped to have the birth in a way she wants: calm and smooth.

Hypnobirthing classes teach a pregnant mom how to affect her own brain to produce more oxytocin and give tools to her husband to create the environment of peace and confidence as she approaches her final weeks in her pregnancy in preparation to an enjoyable labor and birth.

For the full article follow this link.
For HypnoBirthing classes and information click here.

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